People. People brand themselves. We present ourselves all differently to enable our clothes, hair, jewelry, accessories, and whatever miscellaneous things we manage to carry or wear to set a certain first impression (or so we hope) about ourselves to one another.
Lets use a celebrity example of branding just to start us off. Britney Spears, currently a train-wreck in recovery, used to be quite a different person. She was first known as the innocent, American sweetheart, which almost every 10-16 year old girl wanted to emulate. She was on the cover over Rolling Stone Magazine, Sweet 16 and numerous other magazines. She started off her career launching her first couple major hits; "Baby One More Time" and "Oops! I Did It Again" both of which flew to the top of the charts. In all honesty, it wasn't just the electronically-corrected sound that made her famous. I mean look at her:
She's got the perfect smile, cute face, pretty eyes, and her hair is relaxed and feminine. The whole pose makes one go "aw, so sweet." Shes got the looks and the figure to pull it all off, shes also working the innocent angel look and in combination with her catchy song tunes, the music industry shot her to the top of the music charts. Alright yes, we all know that to be in the music business you have to have the whole package. Not a trait to be admired of the industry, but hey, its reality. So Britney sporting the innocent look got kinda boring for us viewers eh? Fast forward a couple years and we hit Britney's next major album song hit "Toxic," which took a slightly different twist on things...
Britney Spears "Toxic" Cover |
Still working the blond hair, the cute facial expression is still there but apparently it was shirtless day at work for Ms. Spears. So, the industry decided that it was time for her to show some skin to gain...popularity? Does adding the element of sensuality collect more of an audience? Arguably, yes.
Moving right along a few more years down the starlit pathway and we hit another one of her albums, "Blackout" which was even more so of a bare-all situation...
Britney Spears "Blackout" |
What's the point of looking at the development of Britney you ask? Notice the thoughts you have of her when she produced her first album compared to her later albums. A bit different isn't it? The way we present ourselves greatly influences what people think of us. That's nothing new to anyone but consider this; if a girl goes to the bar in a pair of clean jeans, respectable top, and maybe a cute cardigan she's bound to get a different type of attention than a girl who shows up in a short skirt, high heels, and tight, v-neck top. Its really a simple concept and yet the grasp of this particular concept seems to be vague for many people.
If you don't seem to get the type of attention that you want from others it could have something to do with what your wearing...or not wearing.